College Sport Official Hub

Payment of Officials

If you officiate in a college sport fixture for football, hockey, netball or rugby you can claim payment using the below claims form.

Please ensure you always double check your details, under student group insert "College Sport", payment is for "Referee/Student Instructor", account is "Own Funds", and in payment description include the sport, date and teams playing for the fixture you officiated.

If you officiated multiple fixtures in a week then you can put them all on one claims form. Any queries around payment then please contact

Respect & Reporting

We expect that all college sport officials are treated with the respect they deserve for giving up their time. Without you fixtures could not go ahead.

To help monitor the respect shown towards officials we have a College Sport Official Report Form, that can be used to record positive or negative experiences. Please fill this out for the games you officiate by following the link below.